— Sermons by Dr Nick Needham —

From 2004 to 2021 Dr Needham was the minister of our Church here in Inverness.
Our brother is a Church History lecturer at the Highland Theological College and is author of the acclaimed 5 volume series on Church History titled,
"2000 Years of Christ's Power".

“The Once-For-All Suffering of Christ”

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Text —Hebrews chapter 9 verses 25 to 28

“A Perfect Summary of the Christian Faith”

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Text —John Chapter 16 verse 28

“One God - One Mediator”

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Text —1st Timothy chapter 2 verses 5 to 6

“Abundant Mercy”

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Text —Isaiah chapter 55 verses 8 to 9

“How Does God See Me?”

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Text —Romans 3:3-28 and Psalm 143

“When will the Kingdom Come?”

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Text —Luke chapter 17 verses 20 to 25

“A Plain Statement of Salvation”

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Text —1st Peter chapter 3 verse 18

“Time and Eternity”

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Text —2 Corinthians chapter 4 verses 16 to 18

“Two Sacrifices, Opposite Results”

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Text —1st Kings chapter 18 verses 17 to 40

“The Healing of Naaman”

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Text —2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 1 to 27

“Glory to the King”

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Text —1st Timothy chapter 1 verses 12 to 17

“In the Lord I put my Trust”

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Text —Psalm 11

“Christ the Creator”

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Text —Colossians chapter 1 verses 12 to 20

“Therefore I will Look unto the Lord”

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Text —Micah chapter 7 verses 1 to 7

“My Eyes have seen Thy Salvation”

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Text —Luke chapter 2 verses 29 to 32

“Isaiah's Encounter with God”

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Text —Isaiah chapter 6 verses 1 to 8

“Lessons from Enoch”

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Text —Hebrews chapter 11 verses 5 and 6

“Day of Atonement”

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Text —Hebrews chapter 9 verses 1 to 14

“The Holy Spirit - His Deity” (Sermon 1 of 4)

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Text —John chapter 3 verses 1 to 10

“The Holy Spirit - His Personal Work” (Sermon 2 of 4)

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Text — Acts chapter 12 verses 24 to chapter 13 verse 5

“The Holy Spirit - His Relationship with the Father and the Son” (Sermon 3 of 4)

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Text —Matthew 12 verses 22 to 30

“The Holy Spirit - His Work in the Believer” (Sermon 4 of 4)

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Text — Romans chapter 8 verses 9 to 17

“The Sufferings of this Present Time”

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Text — Romans 8 verses 18 to 25

“Christ and Jerusalem”

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Text —Luke chapter 13 verses 31 to 35

“Protection in the Christian's Spiritual Warfare”

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Text —Ephesians chapter 6 verses 14 to 18

“The Pharisee and the Tax Collector”

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Text —Luke chapter 18 verses 9 to 14

“The Lord's My Shepherd”

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Text —Psalm 23

“Obstacles to Discipleship”

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Text —Luke chapter 9 verses 57 to 62

“Fear Not Little Flock”

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Text —Luke chapter 12 verses 22 to 32

“One God - One Salvation”

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Text —Ephesians chapter 3 verses 9 to 11

“The Unfruitful Fig Tree”

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Text —Luke chapter 13 verses 6 to 9

“The Deity of Christ”

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Text —Philippians chapter 2 verses 1 to 11

“The Person and Work of Christ”

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Text —Colossians chapter 1 verses 19 and 20

“Parable of the Persistent Widow”

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Text —Luke chapter 18 verses 1-8

“The Wise Men Visit”

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Text —Matthew chapter 2 verses 1-12

“Their Ultimate End”

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Text —Matthew chapter 7 verses 1-2

“Body and Soul”

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Text —Matthew chapter 10 verse 28

“Blaming God”

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Text —Luke chapter 13 verses 1 to 5


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Reading —Luke chapter 9 verses 37 to 42

“A New Life with God”

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Reading —Mark chapter 2 verses 13 to 17

“The Temptations of Christ”

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Reading — Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 to 11

“The Christ Child –True Man Divine Son.”

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Reading — Luke 2:40-52

“Christ, Creator and Redeemer”

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Reading — 1st Chronicles 17:11-14

“The Progress and Triumph of Evil”

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Reading — Psalm 37

“Turning from Idols to the Living and True God”

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Reading — 1st Thessalonians 1:9-10

“Bringing Believers Back”

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Reading — Galatians 5:7-12

“Benefits in Exercise of the Soul”

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Reading — 1st Timothy 4:7-10

“Christ's Glory in Psalm 45”

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Reading — Psalm 45

“Christ's Resurrection our Sanctification”

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Reading — Romans 7:4-6

“Christ's Resurrection our Justification”

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Reading — Romans 4:22-25

“Lessons from the Parable of the Unjust Judge”

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Reading — Luke 18:1-8

“Christ's Philosophy of Happiness ” (Sermon 4)

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Reading — Luke 6:22-23

“Christ's Philosophy of Happiness ” (Sermon 3)

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Reading — Luke 6:6-21

“Christ's Philosophy of Happiness ” (Sermon 2)

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Reading — Luke 6:21

“Christ's Philosophy of Happiness ” (Sermon 1)

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Reading — Luke 6:20

“The Guilt of Rejecting Christ”

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Reading — Matthew 11:16-27

“Life Conquers Death”

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Reading — Luke 7:11-18

“Pontius Pilate”

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Reading — John 18:28 to Chapter 19:24

“The Secret Ministry of God's Angels”

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Reading — 2nd Kings 6:8-23

“Reconciliation with God”

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Reading — Ephesians 2:11-22

“Redeemed from the Curse”

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Reading — Galatians 3:13

“A Saviour is Born”

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Reading — Luke 2

“Reconciled Through Christ's Death”

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Reading — Colossians 1:21-22

“Isaiah's Vision”

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Reading — Isaiah 6

“The Spirit of Prayer”

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Reading — Luke 18:15-17

“Christ's Prayer in Gethsemane”

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Reading — Matthew 26

“Listening, Considering and Responding”

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Reading — Mark 4:1-25

“Strangers in the World”

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Reading — 1st Peter 1