Expository Sermons
Preached By W. J. Seaton

Pastor Seaton was Minister of the Inverness Reformed Baptist Church,
Inverness, Scotland, from 1970 until his retirement in 2002.
He continues within the Church as an Elder.
Sermons were recorded and stored by the late Mr Eric Knox.

Old Testament Sermons

The Book of Genesis — preached 1977-1979 (97 Sermons)
The Book of Exodus — preached 1982-1984 (86 Sermons)
Sinai to Jordan (Leviticus-Numbers) — preached 1996-1997 (75 Sermons)
The Book of Joshua — preached 1992 (31 Sermons)
The Book of Judges — preached 1992 (10 Sermons)
The Book of Ruth — preached 1993 (10 Sermons)
Life and Times of Samuel — preached 1993-1994 (22 Sermons)
Life of David — preached 1988-1990 (31 Sermons)
The Lives of Elijah and Elisha — preached 1990 to 1991 (32 Sermons)
The Book of Ezra — preached 1984 (21 Sermons)
the Book of Nehemiah — preached 1984-1985 (36 Sermons)
Psalm 34 - A Psalm of David — preached 1970 (6 Sermons)
The Book of Proverbs — preached 1985 to 1998 (138 Sermons)
The Book of Daniel — preached 1983 (42 Sermons)
The Book of Jonah — preached 1971-1972 (10 Sermons)
The Book of Habakkuk — preached 1975-1976 (9 Sermons)

Occasional Sermons from the Old Testament

New Testament Sermons

The Gospel of Matthew (chapters 1 to 7) — preached 2001-2002 (32 Sermons)
The Gospel of Mark — preached 1984-1986 (71 Sermons)
The Gospel of Luke — preached 1979-1982 (131 Sermons)
The Gospel of John — preached 1992-1996 (118 Sermons)
John the Baptist — preached 1988 (5 Sermons)
The Acts of the Apostles — preached 1973-1976 (113 Sermons)
The Epistle of Paul to the Romans — preached 1998-2002 (114 Sermons)
1st Corinthians chapter 15 — preached 1978 (20 Sermons)
Standing as Soldiers (Ephesians chapter 6) — preached 1998 (8 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians — preached 1980-1982 (107 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to the Philippians — preached 1994-1995 (35 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to the Colossians — preached 1995-1996 (44 Sermons)
1st Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians — preached 1989 (25 Sermons)
2nd Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians — preached 1989 (11 Sermons)
1st Epistle of Paul to Timothy — preached 1985-1986 (29 Sermons)
2nd Epistle of Paul to Timothy — preached 1986-1987 (38 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to Titus — preached 1987 (15 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to Philemon — preached 1988 (11 Sermons)
Epistle of Paul to the Hebrews — preached 1989-1992 (115 Sermons)
1st Epistle of Peter — preached 1976-1977 (56 Sermons)
2nd Epistle of Peter — preached 1977-1978 (23 Sermons)
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit — preached 1987-1988 (34 Sermons)

Occasional Sermons from the New Testament