—Colossians —

Sermons preached by
W. J. Seaton

These sermons were preached between 1995 and 1996. There are 44 sermons in the series. Please note that the age of the recordings and the recording method, did not always give the high-quality sound expected today. We trust that you will still find blessing from the sermons.

A PDF file is here and lists all the available sermons in this series.

Chapter 1 verses 1 to 2 — “Background and Purpose”

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Chapter 1 verses 1 to 5 — “Greetings and Thanks”

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Chapter 1 verses 5 to 6 — “The Word of Truth”

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Chapter 1 verses 7 to 8 — “A Faithful Minister”

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Chapter 1 verses 9 to 11 — “Knowledge Desired”

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Chapter 1 verses 12 to 14 — “Thankgiving Expressed”

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Chapter 1 verse 15 forward — “The Redeemer's Godhood”

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Chapter 1 verse 18 — “Head of the Church”

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Chapter 1 verse 18 — “Lord of All”

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Chapter 1 verses 19 to 20 — “All Things Reconciled”

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Chapter 1 verses 21 to 23 — “Sinners Reconciled”

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Chapter 1 verses 21 to 23 — “Response to Reconciliation”

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Chapter 1 verses 24 to 25 — “Paul's Sufferings and Service”

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Chapter 1 verses 26 to 29 — “The Mystery and Ministry”

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Chapter 2 verses 1 to 3 — “Spiritual Maturity (1)”

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Chapter 2 verses 1 to 3 — “Spiritual Maturity (2)”

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Chapter 2 verses 6 to 7 — “Continuing in Christ”

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Chapter 2 verses 6 to 7 — “Complete in Christ”

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Chapter 2 verses 11 to 12 — “Heart Circumcision”

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Chapter 2 verses 13 to 15 — “Christ Triumphant”

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Chapter 2 verses 16 to 23 — “Holding the Head”

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Chapter 3 verses 1 to 4 — “Risen with Christ”

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Chapter 3 verses 1 to 4 — “Appearing with Christ”

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Chapter 3 verses 5 to 11 — “Mortifying the Members”

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Chapter 3 verses 12 to 14 — “Putting on the New”

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Chapter 3 verses 12 to 14 — “Inward Clothing”

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Chapter 3 verses 12 to 14 — “Outward Clothing”

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Chapter 3 verse 15 — “The Rule of Peace”

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Chapter 3 verse 15 — “The Word of Christ”

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Chapter 3 verses 16 to 17 — “The Church's Praise”

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Chapter 3 verses 16 to 17 — “Praise and Thanksgiving”

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Chapter 3 verse 17 — “Whatever Ye Do”

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Chapter 3 verses 18 to 19 — “Wives and Husbands”

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Chapter 3 verses 20 to 21 — “Parents and Children”

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Chapter 3 verses 22 to chapter 4 verse 1 — “Masters and Servants”

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Chapter 4 verses 2 to 6 — “Continue in Prayer”

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Chapter 4 verses 2 to 6 — “Prayer and Witness”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Onesimus: God's Prisoner”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Tychicus and Epaphras”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Mark and Barnabas”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “The Beloved Physician”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Aristarchus etc.”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Nymphas and Archippus”

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Chapter 4 verses 7 Forward — “Review and Conclusion”

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