— Practical Foundational Truths —

found in
"The Apostles' Creed"

Preacher - Dr. Nick Needham

Wording of The Apostle's Creed

“Introduction to the Apostles' Creed”

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“I believe in God, the Father”

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“Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth”

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“And in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord”

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“Born of the virgin Mary”

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“Suffered under Pontius Pilate”

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“On the third day he arose again”

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“He ascended into heaven”

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“The return of Christ to judge the living and the dead”

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“I believe in the Holy Spirit”

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“I believe in the Holy Catholic Church”

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“I believe in the forgiveness of sins”

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“I believe in the resurrection of the body”

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“I believe in life everlasting”

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