The Wicket Gate Magazine began life in 1967 as a magazine for members and adherents of the church to which Pastor Seaton had recently been inducted. Within a few short years the circulation expanded well beyond Inverness and the magazine found itself posted out across the world. During 1995 the magazine went on the Internet for the first time thus broadening the readership.
The Wicket Gate stopped production in 2002 when Pastor Seaton retired. However over the 35 years of the Wicket Gate Magazine's ministry, a large body of work was available. We felt the Lord would not have that material wasted and with God's help the Internet version of the magazine could continue to be of benefit to believers round the world. We gave the on-line magazine a slight change of name to “The Wicket Gate Magazine ‘A Continuing Witness’” and it has expanded its ministry using audio files. There are 72 of the 100 issues still on-line.
Pastor Seaton's letter in this 100th on-line edition is the opening letter from the first printed magazine and introduces the church to the magazine.
Dear Brethren and Friends,
This is a very happy occasion for me personally as we launch out with our new Church Magazine. Perhaps you will be a bit puzzled over the cover and title. But, just let me explain the purpose of the magazine, and then, I think, you will agree that “The Wicket Gate” is an apt title for a Church Magazine in these days.
The Concern
“The Wicket Gate” was born out of a concern – a concern caused by the apparent lack of reading among Christians today. There is a tremendous dearth of knowledge among present-day believers when it comes to the things of our faith. Years ago, even the most average believer was well versed in the writings of men like John Bunyan, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas Boston, John Owen, Richard Baxter, John Calvin, Martin Luther, to mention only a few.
They had a working knowledge of most of the principal doctrines of our faith, and a fair outline of the history of the Church of Christ. Nowadays – and I feel confident in saying this – most Christians don't even have a nodding acquaintance with these things. I know that many of the old works are tomes which make even the most ardent reader draw back, but some professedly evangelical Christians today haven't read even so much as the most basic and classic of the Christian books. The Pilgrim's Progress, Grace Abounding, The Remains of R.M. McCheyne, The Letters of John Newton, a Life of Spurgeon – and so “The Wicket Gate” is being produced in an effort to stimulate interest in some of the forgotten treasures of the faith. The articles will be drawn from the Scriptures, the lives of the saints, and the history of the church; small enough to read in a few minutes, and, we trust interesting enough to make you search deeper for yourself.
The Cover
The cover should be well known to most. It is one of the most famous scenes from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and shows the burdened sinner being pointed to “yonder wicket gate” by the evangelist. It was when the Pilgrim got through the Wicket Gate that he came to the cross and his burden fell off; and it was also through this Wicket Gate that “The House of Interpreter” lay – the man who was to teach him in the things of God. So, it is our desire that through this “Wicket Gate” there will be found salvation for sinners, and establishment in the faith for believers.
And so, my brethren and friends, we lay this new venture before you. We pray you will avail yourself of it, and that it will lead you on to “Search out these things for yourself”, and to “study to show yourself approved, a good workman … rightly dividing the word of truth”.
![]() This Page Title – "The Pastor's letter introducing the Wicket Gate Magazine from January 1967 The Wicket Gate Magazine "A Continuing Witness". Internet Edition number 100 – placed on line January 2013 Wicket Gate contact address – Mr Cliff Westcombe If you wish to be notified when each new edition goes on line please send an e-mail to the above address Magazine web address – |