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Brownlaw North and Honouring God


“I believe”, said Brownlow North, “there is nothing honours God more, or that God more honours, than praising him in tribulation. When did Paul ever honour God more than when at midnight in the inner prison, his back cut to pieces with the Roman whips and his feet made fast in the stocks, he prayed and sang praises unto God? And when did God ever honour Paul more than when, through the instrumentality of those prayers and praises, He brought the jailer to his feet with the question, ‘What must I do to be saved?’

Paul was once caught up into the third heaven, and he thanked and praised God for the honour and glory. Yet I never heard of any one who was converted by that portion of Paul’s history. But who can count the number that owe their soul’s salvation to the answer given to the jailer’s question – ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved!’”