Mrs Seaton's Letter

to the

Boys and Girls



Dear Boys and Girls,

Try, Try and Try again.

It’s always good to have a try at things, and especially to try to serve God with all our hearts as that great preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon tells us in these lines that I’ve taken from one of his books for you in this letter.

“Of all the pretty little songs I have ever heard my youngsters sing, that is one of the best which winds up –

"If at first you don’t succeed,
             Try, try, try again."

Can’t do it sticks in the mud, but try soon drags the wagon out of the rut. The fox said try, and he got away from the hounds when they almost snapped at him. The bees said try and turned flowers into honey. The squirrel said try, and up he went to the top of the beech tree. The snowdrop said try, and bloomed in the cold snows of the winter. The sun said try, and the spring soon threw Jack Frost out of the saddle. The young lark said try, and he found that his new wings took him over the hedges and ditches, and up where his father was singing. The ox said try, and ploughed the field from end to end. No hill too steep for try to climb, no clay too stiff for try to plough, no field too wet for try to drain, no hole too big for try to mend.

"By little strokes
             Men fell great oaks."

If you want to do good in the world, the little word ‘try’ comes in again. There are plenty of ways of serving God, and some that you cannot preach in a great Church; be content to speak to a boy or a girl at school; very good wheat grows in little fields, You may cook in small pots as well as big ones. Little pigeons can carry great messages.”

The gospel is a great message, boys and girls, so take Mr Spurgeon’s advice and “try” all you can for God.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs. Seaton