Train your Children, remembering continually how God trains His children.
I have told you often that God has an Elect people – a family in this world. And God the Father is ever training the members of this family for their everlasting abode with Him in heaven.
Brethren, if you would train your children wisely, mark well how God the Father trains His.
See how many things there are which God WITH-HOLDS from His children. Moses desired exceeding to cross over Jordan and see the goodly land of promise; but you will remember his desire was never granted. See too, how often God LEADS His people by ways which seem dark and mysterious to our eyes. There was a direct road from Egypt to Caanan, yet Israel was not led into it; but round through the wilderness. See also, how often God CHASTENS His people with trial and affliction. Paul the apostle had a thorn in his flesh, yet it was not taken away.
Now, brethren, notwithstanding all these things, did you ever hear of a single child of God who thought his Father did not treat him wisely? Brethren, I ask you to lay to heart the lesson which God's dealings with His people is meant to teach you.
(1) To fear not to with-hold from your child anything you think will do him harm, whatever his own wishes may be. This is God's plan.
(2) To hesitate not to lay on him commands, of which he may not at present see the wisdom, and to guide him in ways that may not seem reasonable to his mind. This is God's plan.
(3) To shrink not from chastising and correcting him whenever you see his soul's health requires it, however painful it may be to your feelings; and remember medicines must not be rejected because they are bitter. This is God's plan.
(4) And be not afraid, above all, that such a plan of training will make your child unhappy. I warn you against this delusion; depend upon it, there is no surer road to unhappiness than always having your own way. To have our wills checked and denied is a blessed thing for us.
Brethren, be not wiser than God; train your children as He trains His.
Home! How much that one word used to convey! It is still one of the most precious in the English language unto some of us. Is not our favourite concept of heaven embodied in that blessed expression "My Father's House"?
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