"The Five Points of Calvinism"
Dr. N. Needham

'Do you see yonder wicket Gate?' Evangelist pointing Christian in Bunyan's Pilgrims Progress to the way of salvation

INDEX – Online Edition 62

  1. The Pastor's Letter  An Age of Noise! by W.J. Seaton
  2. The Day of their Salvation  Joseph Hart
  3. Sermon in Candles (part 6)  C.H. Spurgeon
  4. Sweet Notes from the Song of Songs (part 6)
  5. The Men of Ross Shire  Kennedy of Dingwall
  6. Boys and Girls Page  The God who makes all things well
  7. Gleanings in the Psalms   Psalm 25 concluded
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This Page Title – Index Page for Issue 62
The Wicket Gate Magazine "A Continuing Witness".
Internet Edition number 62 – placed on line September 2006
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