Sweet Notes from

The Song of Songs         (Part 11)

Chapter 3 verses 9:10.

The verses in the last edition told us something of Solomon's Bride being conveyed across the wilderness under the constant watch of Solomon's "threescore valiant men."

Our verses this time tell us something of the "chariot" that Solomon had constructed for that safe conduct; "King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon," it says in verse 9. And just as Solomon provided himself a fit conveyance to bring his young Bride to himself, so our Lord Jesus Christ has provided Himself a vehicle of His own design and making to bear His people safely through this world until they take their place at that great Bridal Feast above.

"God rides forth conquering in the chariot of this gospel," said old Thomas Watson; and brethren, the gospel that told us to rise up and begin our journey out of the wilderness of our unbelief and rebellion against our God is the same gospel – the same chariot – that will bear us "all our journeys through." Don't we remember this: the gospel not only saves our souls at one particular point in our lives, the gospel keeps us and bears us along every step of our pilgrim path.

"Grace taught my soul to pray,
        And made mine eye o'erflow;
'Tis grace has kept me to this day,
       And will not let me go."

Our Lord is bearing us along each day on the "chariot of his gospel," for when the Covenant of Grace was drawn-up in the eternal counsels of the Trinity it was decreed to make a fit vehicle, not only to save the Elect, but to carry them through each perplexing path of life. "King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon." But, "A greater than Solomon is here," and He has made Himself a greater chariot than Solomon's; of richer materials than Solomon's; to bring a far more glorious Bride than Solomon's; to bring a far more glorious Bride than Solomon's to His side.

(i) He conceived the plan of building it in the first place —

"O the love that drew salvation's plan."

(ii) He not only built it, but, like Solomon, took it to the
place where His young Bride was and placed her in it —

"O the grace that brought it down to man."

(iii) And on the Cross He met every farthing of the
cost of providing it for His beloved Bride —

"O the mighty gulf that love did span – At Calvary."
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