Though we have not here the grace expressed yet we need not be long at a loss for it. The place is, 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 8, "And for an helmet, the hope of salvation:" so that, without any further scruple, we shall fasten upon the grace of hope, as intended by the Holy Ghost in this place.
We are instructed to take "the helmet of salvation" – and this, not for some particular occasion – but we must take it so as to never leave it aside till God shall take it off to put on a crown of glory in the room of it. "Be sober, and hope to the end," is the apostle Peter's counsel. 1st Peter 1 verse: 13
There are some engines of war that were of use but now and then, as ladders for the scaling of a town or fort; which done, are laid aside for a long time and not missed. But the helmet is of continual use. We shall need it as long as our war with sin and Satan lasts.
The Christian is not beneath hope so long as he is above ground, nor above hope so long as he is beneath heaven. Indeed, when once he enters the gates of that glorious city, then "farewell hope and welcome love forever." He may say with the holy martyr, "Armour becomes earth, but robes heaven." Hope goes into the field and waits on the Christian till the last battle be fought and the field cleared, and then faith and hope carry him in the chariot of the promise to heaven's door, where they deliver up his soul into the hands of love and joy, which stand ready to conduct him into the presence of the bliss of God. Hope of salvation puts the Christian upon high and noble exploits. It is a grace born for great actions. Faith and hope are the two poles upon which all the Christians noble enterprises turn.
As carnal hope excites carnal men to their achievements, so is this heavenly hope influential unto the saint's undertakings. What makes the merchant sell house and land, and ship his whole estate away to the other end almost of the world, but hopes to get a greater by this bold adventure? What makes the daring soldier rush into the furious battle, upon the very mouth of death itself, but hopes to snatch honour and spoil out of its jaws? Now, if these peddling hopes can prevail with men to such fixed resolutions for the obtaining of these sorry things, how much more effectual must the Christian's hope of eternal life be to provoke him to the achievement of more noble exploits! Put on the helmet of salvation.
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