Christ's Church on Earth
— weighty comments for consideration—
Martin Luther.
The Doctrine of Justification by faith is the article of a standing or a falling church.
Apostasy in a church is followed with a removal of the gospel; and the removal of the gospel is the saddest judgment that can possibly happen either to a church or a nation
Dr. Cummings.
This is the best church that does best the duty of a Church.
Dr. Guthrie.
The presence of Christ alone consecrates and constitutes a church. There cannot be a living body without a living head; a man dies if you deprive him of his head. So deprive a church of its Head, and it is dead. There cannot be a court without a king, and there cannot be a church without Christ in it.
Professor Vinet.
Every church that does not confess its faith has no faith to confess.
Dr. Davies.
The Church is the light of the world, and Christ is the light of the Church.
H. W. Beecher.
The Church was built to disturb the peace of man; but often it does not perform its duty for fear of disturbing the peace of the Church.
The cold water of persecution is often thrown on the Church's face, to fetch her to herself when she is in a swoon of indolence or pride.
This Page Title – Christ's Church on Earth – weighty comments for consideration
The Wicket Gate Magazine "A Continuing Witness".
Internet Edition number 89 – placed on line March 2011
Magazine web address – www.wicketgate.co.uk