— The Lives of Elijah and Elisha —

Sermons preached by
W. J. Seaton

These sermons were preached between 1990 and 1991. There are 32 sermons in the series. We trust that you will find blessing from the sermons.

A PDF file is here and lists all the available sermons in this series.

1st Kings chapter 17 verse 1— “Elijah's Day and Message”

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1st Kings chapter 17 verses 2 to 6 — “The Brook Cherith”

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1st Kings chapter 17 verses 7 to 16 — “The Unfailing Barrel (1)”

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1st Kings chapter 17 verses 7 to 16 — “The Unfailing Barrel (2)”

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1st Kings chapter 17 verses 17 to 24 — “The Widow's Son Raised”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verses 1 to 16 — “Elijah/Ahab/Obadiah”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verses 17 to 20 — “Troubler of Israel”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verse 21 — “God or Baal?”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verses 22 to 29 — “The Answer of Fire”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verses 30 to 40 — “The Fire Fell”

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1st Kings chapter 18 verses 41 to chapter 19 verse 8 — “Elijah's Flight”

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1st Kings chapter 19 verses 9 to 18 — “The Still Small Voice”

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1st Kings chapter 19 verses 19 to 21 — “The Call of Elisha”

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1st Kings chapter 20 verses 1 to 29 — “Naboth's Vineyard”

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2nd Kings chapter 1 verses 1 to 18 — “Elijah's Final Task”

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2nd Kings chapter 2 verses 1 to 15 — “Elijah's Departure”

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2nd Kings chapter 2 verses 1 to 15 — “Elisha's Emergence”

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2nd Kings chapter 2 verses 19 to 25 — “Elisha: Grace and Judgment”

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2nd Kings chapter 3 verses 1 to 27 — “Elisha: Grace and Judgment”

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2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 1 to 7 — “The Widow's Cruse”

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2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 8 to 37 — “The Woman of Shunem”

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2nd Kings chapter 4 verses 38 to 44 — “The Poisoned Pot etc.”

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2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 1 to 7 — “Naaman and the Little Maid”

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2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 8 to 19 — “Naaman and Elisha”

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2nd Kings chapter 5 verses 20 to 27 — “Elisha and Gehazi”

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2nd Kings chapter 6 verses 1 to 7 — “The Floating Axe-head”

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2nd Kings chapter 6 verses 8 to 12 — “God's Intelligence Department”

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2nd Kings chapter 6 verses 13 to 23 — “The Unseen Army”

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2nd Kings chapter 6 verses 24 forward — “The Terrible Siege”

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2nd Kings chapter 7 verses 1 to 20 — “Four Leprous Men”

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2nd Kings chapter 8 verses 1 to 6 — “An Issue of Faithfulness”

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2nd Kings chapter 13 verses 14 to 21 — “Elisha's Death and After”

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