— The Book of Exodus —

Sermons preached by
W. J. Seaton

Pastor Seaton was Minister of the Inverness Reformed Baptist Church from 1970 until his retirement in 2002 He preached these sermons from the Book of Exodus between 1982 and 1984. There are 86 Sermons in the Series.

A PDF file is here and lists all the sermons in this series (Exodus PDF Index)

Chapter 1 verses 1 to 22 — “Introduction and Theme”

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Chapter 1 verses 1 to 22 — “The House of Bondage”

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Chapter 2 verses 1 to 9 — “The Birth of Moses”

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Chapter 2 verses 10 to 22 — “Moses' Great Decision”

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Chapter 2 verses 23 to chapter 3 verse 10 — “The Burning Bush (1)”

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Chapter 2 verses 23 to chapter 3 verse 10 — “The Burning Bush (2)”

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Chapter 3 verses 11 to 12 — “The Burning Bush (3)”

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Chapter 3 verses 13 to 22 — “The Burning Bush (4)”

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Chapter 4 verses 1 to 17 — “The Burning Bush (5)”

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Chapter 4 verses 18 to 31 — “Moses Returns to Egypt”

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Chapter 5 verses 1 to 23 — “Moses Before Pharoah”

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Chapter 6 verses 1 to 30 — “Pharoah's Response”

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Chapter 7 to end of chapter 10 — “The Plagues (1)”

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Chapter 7 to end of chapter 10 — “The Plagues (2)”

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Chapter 7 to end of chapter 10 — “The Plagues (3)”

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Chapter 7 to end of chapter 10 — “The Plagues (4)”

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Chapter 11 verse 1 to 10 — “The Last Plague of all”

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Chapter 12 verse 1 to 28 — “The Passover Lamb”

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Chapter 12 verse 29 to 51 — “Judgment and Deliverance”

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Chapter 13 verse 1 to 16 — “Consecration and Separation”

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Chapter 13 verse 17 to 22 — “Out of Egypt”

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Chapter 14 verse 1 to 18 — “Pilgrimage Lessons”

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Chapter 14 verse 19 to 20 — “Darkness and Light”

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Chapter 14 verse 21 to 31 — “Crossing the Red Sea”

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Chapter 15 verse 1 to 21 — “The Song of Moses (1)”

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Chapter 15 verse 1 to 21 — “The Song of Moses (2)”

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Chapter 15 verse 22 to 27 — “The Waters of Marah”

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Chapter 16 verse 1 to 50 — “Bread from Heaven”

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Chapter 17 verse 1 to 7 — “The Smitten Rock”

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Chapter 17 verse 8 to 16 — “The War with Amelek (1)”

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Chapter 17 verse 8 to 16 — “The War with Amelek (2)”

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Chapter 18 verse 1 to 12 — “Jethro Visits Moses (1)”

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Chapter 18 verse 13 to 19 — “Jethro Visits Moses (2)”

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Chapter 18 verse 19 to 27 — “Moses the Mediator”

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Chapter 19 verse 1 to 25 — “Israel at Sinai (1)”

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Chapter 19 verse 1 to 25 — “Israel at Sinai (2)”

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Chapter 19 verse 1 to 25 — “Israel at Sinai (3)”

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Chapter 19 verse 1 to 25 — “Israel at Sinai (4)”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “The Law of God”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “The God of the Law”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “God's Holy Name”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “God's Holy Day”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “the Children's Law”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “Murder and Adultery”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “stealing and Lying”

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Chapter 20 verse 1 to 17 — “Thou Shalt Not Covet”

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Chapter 20 verse 18 to 26 — “The Altar of Earth”

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Chapter 21 verse 1 to 6 — “The Hebrew Slave”

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Chapter 21 verse 12 to 14 — “Murder and Manslaughter”

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Chapter 21 verse 15 to 36 — “Israel's Injury Laws”

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Chapter 22 verse 1 to 17 — “The Law of restitution”

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Chapter 23 verse 1 to 9 — “Equity and Justice”

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Chapter 23 verse 10 to 13 — “The Sabbatical Year”

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Chapter 23 verse 14 to 19 — “The Feast of the Passover”

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Chapter 23 verse 14 to 19 — “The Feast of Pentcost”

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Chapter 23 verse 14 to 19 — “The Feast of Tabernacles”

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Chapter 23 verse 20 to 33 — “The Angel of the Lord”

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Chapter 24 verse 1 to 18 — “The Covenant Ratified”

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Chapter 25 verse 1 to 9 — “The Tabernacle”

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Chapter 25 verse 1 to 9 — “Gathering the Materials”

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Chapter 25 verse 10 to 22 — “The Ark of the Covenant”

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Chapter 25 verse 10 to 22 — “The Mercy Seat”

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Chapter 25 verse 23 to 40 — “The Table of Shewbread”

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Chapter 25 verse 23 to 40 — “The Golden Lampstandard”

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Chapter 26 verse 1 to 14 — “The Curtains and Coverings”

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Chapter 26 verse 15 to 37 — “The Veil of the Holiest”

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Chapter 27 verse 1 to 8 — “The Brazen Altar”

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Chapter 27 verse 9 to 21 — “The Courtyard and Laver”

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Chapter 30 verse 1 to 10 — “The Alter of Incense”

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Chapter 31 verse 1 to 11 — “The Builders and Makers”

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Chapter 28 verse 1 to 5 — “The Priestly Garments (1)”

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Chapter 28 verse 6 to 29 — “The Priestly Garments (2)”

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Chapter 28 verse 30 to 35 — “The Priestly Garments (3)”

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Chapter 28 verse 36 to 43 — “The Priestly Garments (4)”

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Chapter 29 verse 1 to chapter 30 verse 21 — “The Priests Consecrated”

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Chapter 30 verse 22 to 38 — “The Anointing Oil”

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Chapter 32 verse 1 to 6 — “The Golden Calf (1)”

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Chapter 32 verse 7 to 14 — “The Golden Calf (2)”

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Chapter 32 verse 15 to 29 — “The Golden Calf (3)”

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Chapter 32 verse 30 to 35 — “The Golden Calf (4)”

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Chapter 33 verse 1 to 11 — “Outside the Camp”

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Chapter 33 verse 12 to 23 — “Moses's Great Request”

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Chapter 34 verse 1 to 9 — “Moses and God's Glory”

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Chapter 34 verse 29 to 35 — “Moses' Veiled Face”

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Chapter 35 verse 1 forward — “Provision and Compliance”

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Chapter 40 verse 17 to 38 — “The Tabernacle and Cloud”

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