— From Sinai to Jordan —

Sermons preached by
W. J. Seaton

These sermons were preached between 1996 and 2001. There are 152 sermons in the series. The Series is split into three parts, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Please note that the age of the recordings and the recording method, did not always give the high-quality sound expected today. We trust that you will still find blessing from the sermons.

All the sermons, at this point, are not available owing to the time span they cover. I will add new sermons as they become available to me.

A PDF file is here and lists all the available sermons in this series.

Sermons from Leviticus

Chapter 1 — “Introduction etc.”

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Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4 — “The Approved Way”

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Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4 — “The Way Taken”

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Chapter 1 verse 5 forward — “The Way Secured”

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Chapter 1 verse 5 forward — “The Way Approved”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Meal Offered”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Fine Flour”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Holy Oil”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “Leaven and Frankincense”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Believer's Offering”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Believer's Frankincense”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Believer's Oil”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “The Leaven of Sin”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “Salt in Everything”

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Chapter 2 verse 1 forward — “Believer's Fine Flour”

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Chapter 3 verse 1 forward — “The Peace Offering”

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Chapter 3 verse 1 forward — “Christ Our Peace”

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Chapter 3 verse 1 forward — “Communion With God”

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Chapter 3 verse 1 forward — “Communion of Saints”

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Chapter 4 verses 1 to 5 — “The Sin Offering”

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Chapter 5 verse 14 forward — “The Trespass Offering”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priesthood”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priests Washed”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priest's Clothing”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “High Priest's Clothing”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Tabernacle Anointed (1)”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Tabernacle Anointed (2)”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priests Anointed”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priests's Forgiveness”

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Chapter 8 verse 1 forward — “The Priests Consecrated”

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Chapter 9 verse 22 forward — “True and False Fire”

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Chapter 10 verses 1 to 7 — “A Separated People”

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Chapter 16 verses 1 to 14 — “Day of Atonement”

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Chapter 17 verse 11 forward — “Blood of Atonement”

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Chapter 23 verses 1 to 14 forward — “Feast of Passover”

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Chapter 23 verses 25 to 21 forward — “Feast of Pentecost”

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Chapter 23 verse 33 forward — “Feast of Tabernacles”

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Chapter 24 verses 1 to 9 — “The Church's Oil”

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Chapter 25 verses 1 to 10 — “Rest and Restoration”

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Chapter 26 verses 1 to 13 — “Reward and Retribution”

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Chapter 27 verses 1 to 8 — “Special Vows Etc.”

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Sermons from Numbers

Chapter 1 verses 1 to 4 — “Israel's Army”

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Chapter 2 — “Israel's Camp”

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Chapters 3 and 4 — “The Levites (1)”

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Chapters 3 and 4 — “The Levites (2)”

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Chapter 5 — “Cleansing the Camps”

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Chapter 6 — “The Nazarites”

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Chapter 9 verses 1 to 14 — “Remembering ther Passover”

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Chapter 9 verses 15 to 23 — “The Giiding Pillar”

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Chapter 10 verses 29 to 32 — “A Gospel Invitation”

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Chapter 10 verses 33 forward — “Going Out and Coming In”

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Chapter 11 — “The Manna Despised”

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Chapter 12 — “Moses Under Attack”

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Chapters 13 and 14 — “Sending the Spies (1)”

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Chapters 13 and 14 — “Sending the Spies (2)”

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Chapter 15 verses 1 to 16 — “God's Sure Word”

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Chapter 16 — “The Sin of Korah”

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Chapter 17 — “Aaron's Rod that Budded”

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Chapter 19 — “The Red Heifer”

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Chapter 20 verses 1 to 15 — “Moses's Unbelief”

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Chapter 20 verses 22 to 29 — “Death of Aaron”

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Chapter 21 verses 4 to 9 — “The Brazen Serpent”

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Chapter 22 to chapter 24 — “The Balaam Prophecies (1)”

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Chapter 22 to chapter 24 — “The Balaam Prophecies (2)”

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Chapter 25 — “Balaam and The Risen Christ”

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Chapter 26 — “Possessing the Inheritance”

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Chapter 27 verses 12 to 14 — “Moses's Death Announced”

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Chapter 27 verses 13 to 17 — “Moses's Good Response”

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Chapter 27 verses 18 to 23 — “Joshua Appointed”

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Chapters 27 and 28 — “Israel's Constant Worship”

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Chapter 31 — “Israel's Continual Warfare”

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Chapter 32 — “Fellow-Soldiers”

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Chapter 33 verses 50 to 56 — “Pressing on to Canaan”

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Chapter 35 — “The Sinner's Refuge”

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Sermons from Deuteronomy

Chapter 1 — “Think and Do”

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Chapter 1 verses 19 forward — “Kadesh Remembered”

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Chapter 4 verses 1 to 8 — “Now Therefore”

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Chapter 4 verse 9 — “Take Heed”

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Chapter 4 verses 10 forward — “The Invisible God”

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Chapter 4 verses 25 forward — “The Invisible God”

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Chapter 4 verses 32 forward — “A Merciful God”

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Chapter 5 verses 1 to 5 — “The Law of God”

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Chapter 5 verses 6 to 10 — “No Other Gods”

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Chapter 5 verse 11 — “God's Great Name”

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Chapter 5 verse 12 forward — “The Day of Rest”

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Chapter 5 verses 16 to 17 — “Commandments Five and Six”

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Chapter 5 verse 18 — “Facets of Adultery”

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Chapter 5 verses 19 to 20 — “Commandments Eight and Nine”

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Chapter 5 verse 21 — “Thou Shalt Not Covet”

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Chapter 5 verse 22 forward — “Sinai and Sion”

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Chapter 6 verses 4 to 6 — “Isreal's Shema”

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Chapter 6 verses 7 to 9 — “Teaching and Learning”

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Chapter 6 verses 7 to 9 — “Spreading the Word”

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Chapter 6 verses 10 to 16 — “A Sincere Warning”

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Chapter 7 verses 1 to 11 — “A Call to Seperation”

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Chapter 7 verse 6 forward — “Motives for Seperation”

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Chapter 7 verses 12 to 15 — “Blessings of Obedience”

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Chapter 8 verses 1 to 3 — “Man's Spiritual Food”

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Chapter 8 verse 5 — “A Father's Hand”

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Chapter 8 verse 11 forward — “Heart Thoughts”

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Chapter 9 verse 1 forward — “More Heart Matters”

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Chapter 9 verse 9 forward — “An Intercessor”

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Chapter 10 verse 12 forward — “God's Requirements”

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Chapter 10 verse 12 forward — “Heart Circumcision”

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Chapter 11 verses 26 to 31 — “Blessings or Otherwise”

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Chapter 12 verses 1 to 16 — “Israel's Worship”

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Chapter 13 verse 1 forward — “Dealing With False Teachers”

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Chapter 15 verses 1 to 18 — “Some Gospel Terms”

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Chapter 16 verses 1 to 8 — “Passover Days”

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Chapter 16 verses 9 to 12 — “Pentecost Days”

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Chapter 16 verses 13 to 17 — “Tabernacle Days”

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Chapter 16 verse 18 forward — “Believers as Judges”

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Chapter 17 verse 14 to 20 — “Believers as Kings”

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Chapter 17 verse 14 to 20 — “Believers as Priests”

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Chapter 18 verses 15 to 22 — “Believers as Prophets”

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Chapter 18 verses 15 to 22 — “Christ our Prophet”

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Chapter 19 verses 1 to 13 — “God our Refuge”

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Chapter 20 verses 1 to 9 — “Our Constant Warfare”

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Chapter 22 verses 1 to 12 — “Two Constant Themes”

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Chapter 26 verses 1 to 11 — “Fruitful Worship”

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Chapter 26 verses 12 to 15 — “Fruitful Works”

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Chapter 26 verses 16 to 19 — “Two Declarations”

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Chapter 27 verses 1 to 13 — “Ebal and Gerizim”

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Chapter 28 verses 1 to 15 — “Ebal and Gerizim”

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Chapter 28 verses 15 forward — “The Curses”

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Chapter 29 verses 1 to 9 — “The Curses”

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Chapter 29 verses 10 to 15 — “The Same God”

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Chapter 29 verses 16 to 29 — “Roots and Fruits”

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Chapter 30 verses 1 to 10 — “Returning to God”

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Chapter 30 verses 11 to 20 — “God's Clear Word”

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Chapter 31 verses 1 to 2 — “Moses' Years”

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Chapter 31 verses 3 to 8 — “God Going Before”

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Chapter 31 verses 9 to 13 — “The Written Word”

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Chapter 32 verses 1 to 6 — “The Song of Moses (1)”

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Chapter 32 verses 7 to 14 — “The Song of Moses (2)”

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Chapter 32 verse 15 forward — “The Song of Moses (3)”

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Chapter 32 verse 44 forward — “The Song of Moses (4)”

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Chapter 33 verses 1 to 5 — “The God of all Blessing”

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Chapter 33 verses 1 to 12 — “Some Needed Blessings (1)”

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Chapter 33 verses 1 to 12 — “Some Needed Blessings (2)”

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Chapter 33 verses 1 to 17 — “Some Needed Blessings (3)”

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Chapter 33 verses 13 to 25 — “Some Needed Blessings (4)”

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Chapter 33 verses 13 to 25 — “Some Needed Blessings (5)”

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Chapter 33 verses 13 to 25 — “Some Needed Blessings (6)”

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Chapter 33 verses 26 to 29 — “The God of Jershurun”

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Chapter 33 verse 29 — “Israel's Blessedness”

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Chapter 34 verses 1 to 4 — “Moses Sees Canaan”

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Chapter 34 verses 5 to 7 — “Death and Burial of Moses”

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Chapter 34 verses 8 to 9 — “A New Leader”

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Chapter 34 verses 10 to 12 — “Two Prophets”

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Joshua Chapter 3 verses 1 to 17 — “Jordan at Last”

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